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advisory services & support

Impact Cap provides a range of services to organizations, institutes, donors and businesses.  We work with an experienced team of professionals who are committed to supporting you in your vision for delivering impact and results. 

Currently our expertise lay in some of the following:


Provision of organisational development services

We have a strong background in organizational development. We take a very participatory approach and ensure organizations grow in ways that make sense for them in the South Sudan context. Some of the specific services we can offer organizations include:

  • Conducting Organizational Assessments

  • Supporting development of policies and internal documentation.

  • Guiding strategic planning processes.

  • Supporting project management development

  • Trainings and coaching on a wide range of skills


We also have expertise in working with networks, coalitions, and movements and can offer support in organizing tactics, facilitation and strategy development. 


Provision of grant management services

Sub-granting funds to a large number of local organizations is not a simple task, especially in the South Sudan context. It takes experienced staff who are ready to accompany the partners, and strike a good balance between ensuring donor compliance is met but also recognizing their challenges and supporting their growth. This is how impact will be realized.  Impact Cap is ready to support the challenges that some international NGOS or donors have around this and either advise on how they can set up systems and structures to adequately manage or even manage the funding on your behalf. This can also include capacity strengthening support to those organizations. 


Provision of Third Party Monitoring

We can provide third party monitoring (TPM) to your organization or institution. We will support you in assessing whether the intended outputs, outcomes, and impacts have been achieved in the respective project.  When conducting our TPM, we always involve the project beneficiaries and ensure their views are captured in order to gather evidence and triangulate information with that aims and objectives of the organization or donor.


Support on campaigning and advocacy

Impact Cap has a specialized skill set in designing and delivery campaigns that are effective in the South Sudan context. We can work with your organization to refine your messages, tactics and campaign brand. We have a design team and can also produce visuals and campaign materials as needed. We also have experience in various advocacy approaches and can offer advisory support and capacity strengthening as requested. We also have 


Ecosystem development & start-up support

We have proven experience in emerging markets and startup ecosystem support. This includes but not limited to:


  • Financial inclusion 

  • Fin-tech 

  • Start-up incubation 

  • Market research 

  • Angel investment


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